biomedical treatments for autism

Yeast and Autism Treatment


Many parents have come to my office and told me some rendition of this story. "My son had many ear infections as a baby. As a result he has had 3 or 4 rounds of antibiotics. This all began at the age of 1 when he began daycare. He was speaking at that time but around 18 months he lost all his words." There is a vicious cycle that begins with the overuse of antibiotics and the inevitable destruction of our healthy intestinal flora. Antibiotics throw off the balance of our "good" bacteria which provide protection against fungal and parasitic infections, help break down food and synthesize certain vitamins. This disruption of flora allows pathogenic yeast (Candida Albicans) to thrive, damage our intestinal wall, contribute to leaky gut and cause troubling and seemingly unrelated symptoms to arise. If this is a familiar story then you need to test your son or daughter for yeast overgrowth and get to the root cause of their problems.

Symptoms of Yeast Overgrowth in Children:

  • Frequent and heavy diaper rash
  • Other “eczema” type skin rash
  • Oral Thrush (white film in mouth or on lips or tongue)
  • Colicky longer than 3 months
  • Symptoms worse on damp days or in damp environments
  • Recurrent ear problems
  • Craving sweets all the time
  • Headaches
  • Hyperactivity
  • Learning problems
  • Autism
  • Often irritable, depression, mood swings
  • Ongoing nasal congestion, cough or wheezing
  • Unhappy, hard to please
  • Seems unwell yet doctors do not find anything wrong


 Does your child suffer from these symptoms?

Simple lab tests can determine if your child has yeast overgrowth...

Urine Organic Acid testing and Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis are windows into the health of your child's GUT.
Urine Organic Acid testing and Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis are windows into the health of your child's GUT.